Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2018

Once again it's that time of year, where writers all over the world pack their tents and pots and pans... for Camp NaNoWriMo or Camp Nano...well, not quite literally.   But figuratively, at an online camp.  Camp NaNoWriMo is an offshoot from the folks that bring you the November NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).  The main difference between the Camp and the regular Nano, is that in camp you can set your own goal.

The goal can be a word count.  So instead of the 50,000 words you can write 10k, 5k...I believe the lowest you can go is like 35?   But they have also changed it so you can do hours, minutes, or even pages.  The goal can be changed during the month, but only up to validation begins. (The 20th of the month) 

Validation for other than word count rules seems straightforward:

1)  Click Validate Project
2)  Confirm you've reached your project goal by clicking "Validate."

Normally, the rules are that you have to write something new for the Nanos...but many people use them to finish projects.  For me this year, I've got to finish a story fhttp://writtenkitten.co/or an anthology before April 15.  So part of my nano will be to finish off this story that I've got percolating in my brain.   Also, I have two anthologies that I'm actively working behind the scenes on.  I would love to finish the rough draft for the second novel in a series.   

To reach word count goals, you can try Write or Die: 

And Written Kitten:


You used to be able to change it to anything, but now it's only kitten/puppy/or bunny.  I used to be able to use Dragons. 

So I am setting my goal for 40 hours.   I should be able to reach that.  Wish me luck!   

Friday, March 9, 2018

Random Story Antics

One of the amazing things about being a writer...is when you get a random line that pops up out of the blue. And you just keep writing without a destination in mind. Like someone is dictating the story to you. It's one of the most curiously fun things ever.  Today I started a new story, and this line just popped up and so I had to write it down.

"I always knew he loved me."   And then the next line came to mind.

"It was in his every look, every touch, every smile. He just couldn't put his feelings into words." 

This is the joy of being a writer.  I have no destination in mind for this story, it's just like I said above...like it's being dictated to me.  I have no idea who the characters James and Pockets are (though in full disclosure, was watching an episode of Hunter <and hush, yes, I'm that old>) and one of the characters was called "Pockets."  But then the name Sadie came to me.  My friend Tina had a horse named Sadie, she was a bitch on four hooves, but that's another story!

I have 3 pages so far, and it really hasn't revealed where it's going.  But I'm getting an inkling that this may not be a happily ever after story.  Life isn't always happily ever after.  I think fiction should reflect some inherent truths about life.  Though nothing pisses me off more than a pointless unhappy ending!  "City of Angels," I'm looking at you!   

I'll possibly post the rest of this story when it's finished here.  So stay tuned.  But then again, it might not.  Depends if it is good enough.  This is still in first draft blush. 

#amwriting, #firstdraftwoes, #fixitlater.